Visa is a credit card that allows you to make payments in millions of sales outlets around the world. Both online (online store or casino) or in a grocery store around the corner or on vacation in a foreign country. The card can also be used to pay money at ATM. The purpose of the VISY is to replace cash transactions as much as possible, through electronic transfers.

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Visa credit card payments are possible in almost all casinos, and money will be immediately available on your account. The casinos below offer Visa as one of the methods of payment. They use the most advanced encryption technologies, which maintains the security of personal and financial data:

Payment by VISA card in online casino

The payment to the online casino account has the same procedure as for the MasterCard credit card. On the Casino payment page, you need to select “Credit cards” and then “Visa” – as a card you want to use. After which you need to enter the VISA card number, name, and surname (which appears on the card), the expiry date, and 3 digital CVC security codes that you will find on the back of the card. After indicating the amount you want to pay, verify the payment details and confirm. Like all credit card payments, money will be immediately available on your casino account.

Visa fees in casinos

Fees downloaded from an online casino with a deposit through Visa differ from the casino to the casino. If a deposit is not free, the fee is 2% – 3% for each payment made by VISA. In some casinos after exceeding a given amount, the fee is not collected. Most online casinos have a fixed limit of the minimum and maximum deposit amount using the Visa card. This is usually a minimum of € 10 and a maximum of € 5,000. Even though credit card payments are immediate, the time needed for a complete completion of the transaction may take 3 to 5 days.

Advantages of using VISY

The main advantages of paying VISA credit card in casinos are:

  • A deposit using Visa are immediate (money will be available immediately on the casino account)
  • Having a Visa card is useful and millions of sales points around the world accept this form of payment.
  • Posting a deposit on the Casino account from the VISA card is possible even if you do not have enough funds on your account (Visa provides a loan that must be repaid after some time).

Disadvantages of using VISY

The main disadvantage of using a credit card (no matter if in online casinos, in online stores, or other points of sale) you can easily lose control of how much money you spend. Certainly, self-control is required in this respect, because if you do not have it, it’s easy to get into financial problems. In some casinos, you will only be able to pay a deposit using the VISA card, and the withdrawals are made through a different form of payment, which may delay your win ‘transfer. So remember to check the methods of payment and payouts in every casino where you plan to set up an account. Certainly, casinos in which you can make both payments and withdrawals you can find on our website.

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